Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Define Incident Management
Usually as part of the wider management process in private organizations, incident management is followed by post-incident analysis where it is determined why the incident happened despite precautions and controls. This information is then used as feedback to further develop the security policy and/or its practical implementation. In the USA, the National Incident Management System, developed by the Department of Homeland Security, integrates effective practices in emergency management into a comprehensive national framework.
From Wikipedia
DataPipe EHS has an Incident Management suite of modules. For more information on DataPipe incident management or EHS software in general, please visit Knorr Associates.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has released an interim final rule that imposes comprehensive federal security regulations for high-risk chemical facilities.
This rule establishes risk-based performance standards for the security of our nation’s chemical facilities. It requires covered chemical facilities to
- prepare Security Vulnerability Assessments, which identify facility security vulnerabilities, and to
- develop and implement Site Security Plans, which include measures that satisfy the identified risk-based performance standards.
It also allows certain covered chemical facilities, in specified circumstances, to submit Alternate Security Programs in lieu of a Security Vulnerability Assessment, Site Security Plan, or both.
- Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Interim Final Rule, effective June 8, 2007
- Appendix A: Final Rule (PDF, 41 pages - 2.12 MB), effective November 20, 2007
- Chemicals of Interest List (PDF, 16 pages - 2 MB)
- Top Screen Submission Deadlines
Development of the Interim Final Rule
Although Section 550 of the DHS Appropriations Act of 2007 gives the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security the authority to issue interim final regulations without prior notice and comment, the Department of Homeland Security chose to release an Advance Notice of Rulemaking (ANRM) on December 21, 2006; this notice sought comments on the proposed text for the interim final rule as well as on various implementation and policy issues related to the chemical security program. The Department received numerous and helpful comments from a variety of stakeholders, analyzed these recommendations, and incorporated many of them in the Interim Final Rule.
Read how the Appendix A: Chemicals of Interest list was developed.
This page was last modified on December 28, 2007
DataPipe - The Complete EHS Software Solution for Information Management.
Integrate your EH&S data with DataPipe. Knorr Associates has nearly 30 years experience providing an easy-to-use, modular software solution for collecting and managing environment, occupational health, industrial hygiene and safety information. DataPipe™ is a comprehensive, modular software suite incorporating best-of-breed functionality, integration and customization at every level in an easy-to-use solution. DataPipe is accessible from the Web or Windows, offers point-and-click reporting, data exchange with external systems and software, automated email notification, triggered events, extensive customizing capabilities, risk management, environmental compliance, compliance reporting and much more. Learn more about EHS Software.